I have experienced and learnt first-hand how hard it is to support my daughter through to recovery from Anorexia Nervosa and OCD, and the effect living with mental illness can have on not only the sufferer but everyone involved, particularly the rest of the family.
I wanted to go on and give others the benefit and support of my knowledge and experience as a counsellor. Over the last few years I have had the privilege of working with some wonderful people and their families, each and every one unique, whilst I have been able to support them through their journeys. I too have learnt from them. My clients have said that they find my practical and down-to-earth approach really refreshing. I have been compared to the therapist in the film The Kings Speech many a time! His methods are unorthodox -but they get results.
I have worked with many different issues including but certainly not limited to:
Child Psychology
Teenage Anxiety
Depression / Stress Management
Eating Disorders
Life Coaching
Family Support
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Whatever obstacle you or a loved one need to overcome, please feel free to give me a call (in complete confidentiality) to talk about the paths open to you.
Comfortable Environment
There are a whole range of different techniques and approaches to counselling, and an environment that is perfect for one person may well not suit someone else. Over the course of your counselling we will be spending a lot of time together, and working throughsome very personal issues, so I am passionate about providing an environment in which you will feel comfortable.
There is nothing intimidating about where we will be meeting; it is in fact more of a family home than a clinic! Sessions are spent in a relaxed, informal room, full of sun (when we’re blessed with it!) and cups of tea. You’ll definitely never see a clipboard or a questionnaire, ever; instead, there are pictures on the walls and interactive games for the youngsters. After all, this is a positive experience, and I want my clients to leave feeling happier and stronger than they did when they arrived!

You have found my website – the chances are you are here because you have some questions. Whatever they may be, it’s probably taken a lot of courage to get this far; for many people, recognising that help is needed is one of the most difficult steps.
Find out more about counselling.
Help with OCD
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“When I have been unhappy, lonely or just need someone to talk to, Lynn’s door has always been open”