Self Care Week November 2017


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Self care is something that, a lot of the time, can be forgotten and under valued, in my experience it is something that should be thought about more often, especially for anyone who is affected by mental illness.

Looking after yourself is something that I truly advocate for and explore in details in my books Hope with Eating Disorders, Fundamentals, and my next book Hope with OCD. Whether it be looking after yourself mentally or physically or, preferably both. Activities such as reading a book, taking a short walk, going to meet a friend for a quick coffee, or just taking a long bath can benefit your mind and body.

I am also a great believer in alternative therapies, these can greatly compliment self care, some alternative therapies that have proven benefits to health are:

  • Acupunture
  • Relfexology
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Good Nutrition

Self care week is all about you and taking care of yourself! Make sure you make the most of it – not just now, but always!