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My Story
I became a counsellor when one of our beautiful daughters fell into the evil trap of Anorexia Nervosa and OCD, at the age of 13.

I explored every avenue and source of help, but they were not right for my daughter or us as a family.

Watching her disappear before my eyes, and the huge impact it was having on the rest of my family, especially her twin sister, I felt I had no option but to educate myself and learn as much as I could about eating disorders and mental illness.

Some years on, a lot of hard work, determination and many tears shed, and with the unconditional support from close family, friends, our GP and their school, our beautiful girl is now recovered, enjoying life to the full and my family are stronger than ever together.

With my new found knowledge, personal experience and most of all my passion and love; I have been able to use my gift to help others.



You have found my website – the chances are you are here because you have some questions. Whatever they may be, it’s probably taken a lot of courage to get this far; for many people, recognising that help is needed is one of the most difficult steps.

Find out more about counselling.


My books have been written after my extensive experience in dealing with those who need help and mentoring throughout their discovery journey. Also available is Hope through Poetry by Samantha Crilly.


Our film series “A Day with …” is a satirical yet emphatic look at just how debilitating living with a mental illness can be daily. Our aim is that the films will educate and give a deeper understanding of the title subject

Trouble Muncher

Users of The Trouble Muncher® App and Toy are encouraged to actively engage with the self-help process as taught within the App. The Trouble Muncher® may look simple, quirky and childlike, however there is a powerful NLP technique behind it. We hope the App and Toy together will help the world worry a whole lot less.

Download for iOS or Android.


One thing I love about the Internet is that it opens the door for conversation about mental health. In this area you will find some blogs, vlogs and some interesting articles about the progress and up to date news surrounding mental health.

Read our blog.

“Lynn has a natural way of making you feel comfortable in her presence and her belief in you gives you belief within yourself.”