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Lynn’s encouragement to have an intense commitment to recovery was intimidating, but the best decision. Not only did it maintain my own personal motivation, it gave me both physical and mental results. Each small success was celebrated, which gave me the strength to continue. The trust I felt with Lynn taught me to gain trust with myself again. I can look back on those dark times and feel so grateful that I didn’t resign to a life of struggling, but instead I fought for my health, with Lynn and my family by my side. I feel so lucky to confirm that a mental illness is not a life sentence, but a life lesson, and that with hope, love, and determination, anyone is strong enough to beat it.


Coming to see Lynn has helped me through my struggles so much. She has allowed me to grow as a person in a way that I would not have been able to do on my own. It’s not only an hour session, the support she offers to my family and I is everyday and I couldn’t thank her enough for how lovely and supportive she has been to me.


‘Lynn was such a help through all my struggles, she explained things to me in a way I could never of figured out myself, she always had another point of view for every struggle I faced from the smallest things; putting my sandwich’s in separate sandwich bags to parents to other mental illnesses. She was not only a counsellor but a friend, for life. She also introduced me to a personal trainer which let me go finding a real passion and stress reliever throughout resistance training. I will never forget my experience with Lynn, I would recommend to many. She was there for both myself and my mum and went to great extremes throughout my school life for me. Missed but never forgotten’

Clare and James

We were introduced to Lynn by a friend when our happy, confident 13 year old daughter’s mental health deteriorated and she plummeted into a very dark place.  We couldn’t quite get to the bottom of it.  We knew she’d had some friendship issues previously and was feeling low because of some low level bullying that had gone on for a few months beforehand, but our lovely girl gradually became withdrawn from our family unit.  She was writing down some very worrying things and her behaviour changed while we were left on the outside desperate to help but struggling to reach her.  She started meeting with Lynn twice a week and because of Lynn’s gentle, kind approach, she quickly developed a strong bond with her.  Lynn gained her trust and did some incredible work with her and told us she felt she was suffering with mild depression and anxiety. Sometimes they would just talk and other times they would chat while doing crafts which made it less intense. Sometimes she did mind maps and other activities with her and other times she simply listened.  Slowly, she started to help her unravel everything that was going on in her head, and there was a lot!  Her progress was quick once we had the right support in place for her.  Lynn was on hand to support us too which was invaluable.  It was very upsetting to see her in such a desperate place.  Home life was difficult as we were treading on egg shells making sure we didn’t say or do the wrong thing.  Knowing Lynn was there alongside us, reassuring us and supporting us on this journey made it much more bearable and gave us the strength we needed to help our daughter.  She also accompanied us to school meetings which was a huge help.  After a couple of months we were able to reduce her sessions to once a week and more recently she has gone down to once a fortnight.  We know that Lynn will increase their sessions straight away if she sees any sign that our daughter is deteriorating again.  Lynn has a very clever approach in the way she works and our daughter now comes away from her sessions with a smile on her face. She is gaining strength all the time.  Without Lynn’s help and expertise we dread to think what might have happened and we will always be eternally grateful to her for helping our daughter through this difficult time in her life.  We have no doubt that there will be times ahead in her life where she will need to turn to Lynn again for help and it’s lovely to know that Lynn will always be there to support her when she does.


When I first met Lynn I was in a bad place. I was an inpatient at an adolescent mental health ward. Recovery seemed like an impossible journey. From our very first session Lynn helped me realise that it was possible and I could do it. She gave me hope. I was soon after discharged from hospital and was offered lots of support from Lynn. She helped me to get my eating back on track and most importantly become myself again. I soon settled back into full time school, which, although it was hard, it felt possible. A year later Lynn still offers me all the support I need, on the hard days and the good. I will be forever grateful for the support and most importantly helping me get my life back. Not only does Lynn help me through the dark times, she holds my hand through it. She’s made me realise that the impossible is possible with a little bit of hope.❤


My 14 year old daughter was an impatient at an adolescent mental heath unit and I was in a very dark and lonely place when a friend suggested I read ‘Hope with Eating Disorder’. On the back of that I contacted Lynn and arranged to meet her. Instantly, I felt so much warmth, love, kindness and above all hope. Over the coming months Lynn supported my daughter as she was discharged back home where she belonged. It has been a tough year since then and Lynn as been with us all the way – she’s there to listen and help on the difficult days but also to celebrate and be proud on the good days. My daughter is so fond of her and will always say that Lynn is what changed things for her. My daughter is now back in full time education and living her life again. The journey on this road is never easy but I will always be so grateful to Lynn for helping my girl shine again ⭐


My name is Veronica, and I am the mother of a recovering anorexic girl. We had the blessing opportunity to be helped in all this process by Lynn Crilly. As a Mexican family living in the UK, it was not easy for us to understand what to do in this situation and to find the proper guidance and help that we required. Desperate as we were,we started researching for professionals in the matter and it was by luck that we contacted Lynn. Since the first moment I met her, I knew we were going to be ok!!! For us Lynn has not only been the professional help we needed, but also her encouragement, kindness, loving heart, braveness, intelligence and sparkling character has made this journey far less dramatic and painful. Since the first moment we talk to her, we felt that we were at home, she gave us love and inspired trust to all of us especially to my daughter. Slowly but steadily our daughter has moved forward and we will always be grateful with Lynn for her guidance and help


I’ve been with Lynn now for two years and I can safely say that Lynn has not only changed my life, but she saved my life too. I was suffering with severe anorexia nervosa and I was getting worse and worse. I saw Lynn and she listened to everything I had to say, no matter how small it may have seemed to me. She helped me through the worst stages of my life and she gave me hope and strength to carry on. Lynn was always there for me, as she would message me and call me if I felt like I was struggling, as well as making me laugh when I felt down. She is an incredible person, who really cares about you and makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world and I am so lucky that I found her; she has made my life so much better. Without Lynn, I would not have made it through university and I would not be where I am today. I cannot thank Lynn enough, she is the angel on my shoulder and my second Mum.

Dr John Dalzell

I have known Mrs Crilly as her General Practitioner for 18 years. She is a delightful lady. She has a good sense of humour but also the right balance in life. She is always courteous and professional when the need arises. She has provided a private counseling service for our practice with very positive feedback from all her clients. She has a wealth of experience in dealing with eating disorders and is continuously expanding her knowledge base. I would recommend her without reservation.


When my beautiful mum and dad told me I was starting with a new counsellor I though to myself, ‘not another one which isn’t going to make any difference’. I have to admit it I was completely sceptical, and really didn’t want to get better, yet alone go. The first time I came to Lynn, I had lost all hope in ever ‘living again’ and no part of me was me anymore. I had come to an end where I couldn’t take anymore, and was in a depressed, self-pitying state. I was slowly killing myself and bringing my amazing family with me. But the real Eva was still in their, and Lynn saw that.

From the moment I stepped through the doors of Lynn’s gorgeous and warm office, a small particle of hope seeped through my bones. I instantly loved Lynn; she made me feel better when nobody else could. She made me see clearly again, and pulled me out from the dark rocks of anorexia in which I have been trapped under. But most importantly, she made me see how much I have to live and be thankful for.

Lynn is like a real life fairy godmother, which came to me in my darkest hour. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t an easy road, and it contains a lot of tears, hurt and upset. But the battle is worth it and with Lynn their, its bearable and she makes you believe that you can do it. She has a real talent in what she does, and I believe that she can go very far. Then do what she has done with me, to hundreds of people. I can only hope that one day I can do what she has done to help me, and be as much of a kind, caring person as she is.
I didn’t just leave with strength, I left with a best friend which I will cherish for the rest of my life.