When my beautiful mum and dad told me I was starting with a new counsellor I though to myself, ‘not another one which isn’t going to make any difference’. I have to admit it I was completely sceptical, and really didn’t want to get better, yet alone go. The first time I came to Lynn, I had lost all hope in ever ‘living again’ and no part of me was me anymore. I had come to an end where I couldn’t take anymore, and was in a depressed, self-pitying state. I was slowly killing myself and bringing my amazing family with me. But the real Eva was still in their, and Lynn saw that.

From the moment I stepped through the doors of Lynn’s gorgeous and warm office, a small particle of hope seeped through my bones. I instantly loved Lynn; she made me feel better when nobody else could. She made me see clearly again, and pulled me out from the dark rocks of anorexia in which I have been trapped under. But most importantly, she made me see how much I have to live and be thankful for.

Lynn is like a real life fairy godmother, which came to me in my darkest hour. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t an easy road, and it contains a lot of tears, hurt and upset. But the battle is worth it and with Lynn their, its bearable and she makes you believe that you can do it. She has a real talent in what she does, and I believe that she can go very far. Then do what she has done with me, to hundreds of people. I can only hope that one day I can do what she has done to help me, and be as much of a kind, caring person as she is.
I didn’t just leave with strength, I left with a best friend which I will cherish for the rest of my life.