Hope with Depression

Hope with Depression


Depression affects more than 300 million people worldwide from all walks of life and can be a  completely debilitating and isolating mental illness. Lynn Crilly speaks from personal and  professional experience, having suffered depression herself, and provides much needed positive,  practical answers, illustrated with observations and anecdotes from carers and sufferers themselves,  Hope with Depression explains the many varieties of depression, how to spot them and the possible  causes and drivers, and gives a balanced guide to available treatments – both mainstream and ‘alternative’ – in the context of what has worked in Lynn’s experience. This is a practical, supportive  guide for anyone with this condition or helping someone with depression, be they a family member,  teacher, sports coach, workplace colleague or friend. It recognises that each person’s illness and recovery will differ and having detailed knowledge and a full toolkit of treatment options is the way to empower each individual with hope for recovery.